Miss Maylee Faye’s Party Hat


Maylee turned one a couple of weeks ago. I seriously can’t believe she is already one. It feels like it was yesterday that I was pacing away having labor pains with her. On her birthday we had a little celebration with family. I wanted her birthday to be cute and special but I also knew I didn’t want to do too much since she won’t remember any of it. I wanted Maylee to wear a cute party hat. I saw some cute ones online and in stores but nothing I was exactly wanting so I decided to make one for her. Here is how I did it!


I started with a piece of card stock. I found a kitchen bowl that would fit on the card stock and I traced it with pencil.


I then cut the circle out.

I folded the circle in half and then cut along the fold. 

I found the center of the half circle and pinched just the top of it. 

Using the pinched part as the tip of the hat I created a cone out of the card stock. I then put a couple dots of hot glue on the card stock to hold the paper in place. This will be the back of the hat and won’t be seen.


I added a piece of elastic that went around Maylees chin. I just cut a piece that was about 7-8 inches long. I hot glued a piece on each side of the hat.


I then picked some fresh flowers from the yard to add to the hat.


Using hot glue, I carefully glued on the flowers. I started with this lavender and lined the entire bottom of the hat. I then placed two garden roses and some greenery to the right side of the hat.


And Voila you have a finished party hat! I loved how it turned out and how easy it was.



I made two different hats. One was for her 1 year photos and the other was for the actual party. Thats why this one is a bit different. She surprisingly kept it on the entire time too. Here is a cute picture of her digging into her cake.

Another plus was that the flowers on the hat matched the flowers on the cake perfectly. It  all came perfectly together. image

The next time you need a party hat try making your own! You could add flowers, pompoms, ribbons, heck anything! I hope you try out this fun and easy party accessory!


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