Furniture Sale

Here’s a little fact about me that you may not have known. I owned a store a few years back and sold all sorts of home decor items including furniture. The store was called the Country Attic. I would paint and transform used furniture into beautiful pieces. I loved it and at times I have missed it. In the end it was sooooo much work. More work then I wanted to do with kids still at home, so we went ahead and closed the store. This year I decided it would be fun to bring back the old Country Attic painting bug and paint some furniture to sell. Chelsi and I have been prepping for this for a few months now. We’ve painted many beautiful pieces and have made some cute home decor items as well. We have started to set up for the sale in my garage. While we were setting up Chelsi snapped a few pictures to give you all a little sneak peek. These things are just a small portion of what we will have for sale. There will be dressers, a buffet, end tables, side tables, coffee tables, dining tables, a large variety of chairs, and much more. If you are in the Boise area get excited and come see what else we have on November 18th and 19th. Tell all of your friends and family!!

Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek. Come join us and see what else we will have. There will also be free cinnamon rolls while they last!  

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