Simply Canning Nectarines  

In our last house we planted peach and nectarine trees. We absolutely loved both the trees, and the fruit they produced. As the years went by  I slowly became more of a nectarine fan. Three years ago, when we built this house we found two little nectarine trees in front of the grocery store. They … Continue reading Simply Canning Nectarines  

Maylee’s Little Country Playhouse 

We have been working on this project for awhile now and have been so excited to finish it so we could share it with everyone. Earlier this summer my mom had a neighbor move and they were selling their play set. Right away my mom had a vision of making it into an adorable Playhouse … Continue reading Maylee’s Little Country Playhouse 

Transforming an Ordinary Pot into a Stunning Urn

  From the first day we moved into our new house I have been looking for large pots to put on our front porch.  I wanted to have large cement urns.  Has anyone looked into buying large cement urns?  They are a small fortune, so I needed to get creative.  Our entryway and front porch … Continue reading Transforming an Ordinary Pot into a Stunning Urn