Kris’ Christmas Home Tour 

img_4038Welcome t0 the Grigg’s Christmas House.  We are so glad you stopped on by for the tourimg_9522There is nothing I love more than to have friends stop by and visit a bit on the front porch. Really though, its too cold to sit for long so we have to make things pretty for the carolers and the gift givers.  I got the JOY sign at Tjmaxx years ago and I stenciled the joy on it. On the back there is love for Valentine’s Day so watch for that in February.  I love that it’s two for one. The letter in the mail box I made when my kids were all little.  Its just a simple envelope I wrote on like a little kid would write a letter to Santa. I usually stick it in the tree somewhere but decided to stick it in my letter box.  So simple and funny but my grown kids still love that goofy letter.   img_9523img_9528LOVE my red little table!img_4027My youngest son was married in April.  We had these awesome stumps everywhere for decorations.  In the fall I made the stumps into a fall wreath with herbs interwoven. You can find the tutorial here.  For winter I added a berry and pine garland. When I look at this it makes me happy.  It was simple with clippings from my yard, my colonial black bench that I love and the sign that I have had for years and years.  It always works!  img_4028Now onto the inside. This is what greets me and my guests every time I walk in. So much happiness all around.  img_9980One of our favorite movies around here is Little Women.  These next two pictures remind me of Little Women.  Just simple pine boughs and wreaths.  Whenever I watch that movie I always look at the decorating and try to copy.  Its a sweet simple time and I love it!!img_9816-1I am such a huge fan of Decor Steals.  They were selling this vintage card holder and I just had to have it, and of course I went out in search of vintage Christmas Cards.  The first one I found was 27 dollars.  I almost cried.  I thought I can’t even buy one! I continued on and found all of these for 1-2 dollars each .  I LOVE THEM. One of my favorite things this year.  Ok, I have to say there was some eye rolling and not happiness when I decorated the bedroom.  One thing I did remove was the garland on the headboard.  hahahaha you know how the song goes,”Visions of sugar plumbs” well I had visions of garland falling on us in the middle of the night and I knew there would be some unhappy words so this did just fine for the bedroom and actually its perfect.  Chelsi made the Merry Christmas Pillow and I love the cotton Wreath circling it.  I found these darling wreaths at Tai Pan Trading.  I knew they would be perfect with these little mirrors and I had to add these tin punched heart ornaments I also found there.  They worked beautifully together.  Here is a closer look at the darling pillow and wreath.  I placed a small vintage stoneware plater on the bed with blue china we got when we got married. I love the blue Christmas bedroom. img_4029My tree is one of my favorites.  I decided to just do green, red and silver mercury bulbs. I found them at Pottery Barn ,Tjmaxx and Target had some beautiful ones this year.  Love Love Love it.  My Mantel I did flocked 3 foot trees ,crocks and bells.  Tradition is my favorite.img_4026-1I had to show this The Night Before Christmas Book.  When I was little I read this Book a million times.  I now read it over and over to my grand baby.  She loves it too.  One of many of my childhood treasures.  I made myself a little naughty and nice list this year too .  Boys are naughty and the girls are nice.  Every Boy that looks at his name on this list are all sad they are on the naughty side. hahaha  Soooo I had the table all set and my husband decided he was going to smoke a turkey so yesterday I said perfect we are adding it to the table.  Oh my gosh.  Could this be anymore perfect?  I say no!  The turkey is perfect, we added mostly clippings from the yard with some silk lambs ear and my blue china, and red pomagranites.  This is my favorite table setting of all times .  I had a dear friend on Insta tell me to be brave with the blue and here it is and i absolutely love the blue and the red.  It all goes perfectly .Just look at that blue and red with the hot roll!  Love, love ,love .  I just have to confess something about this table setting.  It  took me no thought or time.  I told myself you are going to use those blue plates and this is the end result..  I threw it all together in 15 minutes .  my favorite of all time.  Chelsi and I got these little wreaths at trader Joe’s.  I incorporated them throughout my kitchen.  Fast easy and festive.My scale I bought this summer is perfectly happy being the home to plates and pomegranates .  I love Blue!!!!  I love it.  This bench is in my kitchen at the end of my Island.  When I walk in from the mud room this is the first thing I see.  Makes me happy every time, and of course I have a truck carrying a tree pillow ;-]

Another thing I love is red.  Oh my gosh you guys!! This is in the mud room hahaha   I couldn’t resist this piece of furniture and this was the perfect spot.  I love green and cream enamel ware and scales.  When I started collection scales the were priced like 10- 17 dollars so I do have a few.  haha  Sometimes I am known to be in this room just chillin, and  it has been heard throughout the house “why are you sitting in the mud room. ”  So much happiness.  In the summer I have seeds and garden supplies on this shelf  All of my kids are coming home for Christmas and this is just one of my guest rooms.  All perfect in reds and vintage greens .  I even put a tree with lights and vintage bulbs in the room for christmas night when my company can’t sleep because Santa is coming they can just lay in bed and look at the lights on this perfectly vintage tree. To top it all off I found this perfectly green vintage bench at Enchanting Objects Boise.  It was meant to be their and the long wire basket I got at Tjmaxx and the snow flake throw also.  Just to confess a little something.  Every Year I’m not going to do so much decorating and every year I do more decorating than the year before.  haha  I love it all and I even love January when it all comes down and I get to clean and start a new year.  I hope you enjoyed my home tour at much as I enjoyed sharing with all of you my sweet friends.


4 thoughts on “Kris’ Christmas Home Tour 

  1. Fun tour!! Your home always gives me inspiration!! I went out and bought some upholstery ripping !! Thanks for sharing!



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